Leanne Cannon, RN
Leanne Cannon has over 10 years of experience as an Emergency Room Nurse. As a patient of The Women’s Health Center she received her first Morpheus 8 treatment of the face and neck from Dr.Tracy and fell in love with the results. Looking for a career change she came to work as our Aesthetic
Nurse and has been a valuable addition to our team. Since employed Leanne has gone through extensive training on all Inmode modalities. As an RN she is a strong proponent of living a healthy lifestyle in conjunction with aesthetic treatment for optimal results.
She is native to Southern California but was raised in Gardnerville, Nevada and studied at Truckee Meadows Community College and The University of Nevada Reno. Although her main focus of study has been emergency medicine she is enjoying the change of pace aesthetic nursing offers and helping her clients experience optimum results. Currently she is working towards a Master Nurse Injector certificate.
When not working she is spending time with family and friends and enjoying her new role as Gam-Gam to her beautiful granddaughter. Recently she has taken her hobby of soap and candle making and turned it into a small business. Currently Leanne lives in Huntington Beach with her husband Jack,
German Shepherds Triten and Apollo and several red ear sliders Green-bean, Broccoli and Eggplant.